Our Role at Lehigh
The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department is the official contact point for outside regulatory agencies and emergency response actions for spills, fires and unplanned releases of hazardous materials. EH&S stays current on regulations and standards which apply to the University and provides advice and counsel on best practices. EH&S is not the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), nor any other national, state, or local regulatory agency which enforces standards and regulations.
The mission of Environmental Health and Safety is to promote a safe and healthful environment for the University through the development and implementation of health, safety and regulatory compliance programs and procedures, which include hazardous waste management, NRC License administration, inspections, training sessions and emergency response action.
EH&S Updates
- High Haz Chemical Inventory Search Tool
Instructions: Make a copy of this file for your own Excel file. Use it as a Google Sheet.

Brittney O'Connor
Lab Safety Specialist, 610-758-6240
Areas of Responsibility are listed below
William R. Santa, Director
- Animal Safety
- Biological Safety
- Building & Life Safety
- Chemical Hygiene
- Construction Safety
- Design Review
- Controlled Substances
- Emergency Preparedness
- Environmental Health
- Field Research
- Fire Safety
- Hazardous Materials
- Industrial Hygiene
- Institutional Safety Committees
- Occupational Safety
- Public Safety
- Research & Innovation Support
- Regulatory Guidance & Liaison
- Wellness & Prevention
Brittney O'Connor, Lab Safety Specialist
- Biological Safety Program Manager
- Chemical Hygiene Program
- EH&S Program Development
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Incident Reporting, Investigation, Follow-up
- Laboratory / Research Safety Inspections & Support Services
- Laboratory / Research SOP Protocols, Hazardous Materials Review
- Laboratory Start-up and Close-Out
Janine Papach, Program Manager
- Ergonomics
- General Program Information
- New Employee Orientation Program
- Office Administration